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The N-Gang logo.

N-Gang was a comic series published in the 1999 and 2000 issues of the German Club Nintendo magazine. N-Gang is also the name of a group of teenagers who featured in these comics as the protagonists. Unlike previous comics published in Club Nintendo, Mario characters only played minor roles in the N-Gang series.

The N Gang

The actual N Gang is made up of four teenage human Nintendo fans; B, the leader of sorts, Toni, B's best freind who has long blonde hair and usaly wears a red hat, Nick, a dark complected kid with curly black hair, and Gecko an asian girl usally seen wearing a red Gecko shirt who has skills in martial arts. The N Gang often meets with characters from the Nintendo universe. The N Gang is loosley compared to Captain N: The Game Master. While the events of Captain N took place in the video game world (in Captain N Videoland), the events in The N Gang take place mostly in the real world. In the N Gang Mario charcters are usaly transported to the real world through a gameboy.


From left to right: Toni, Nick, Big B., and Gecko.
  • 1/1999: Cityhunter
  • 2/1999: Kino & Ketchup [Cinema & Ketchup]
  • 3/1999: Das Phantom der Piste [The Phantom of the Track]
  • 4/1999: Jagdszenen aus der unteren Oberstufe [roughly: Chases in Upper Stage]
  • 5/1999: Gecko
  • 6/1999: Freeze Frame
  • 1/2000: Das Ende der Welt? [The End of the World?]
  • 2/2000: Die Ostereier-Situation [Easter Egg Situation]
  • 3/2000: N-Gang vs. Nintendo
  • 4/2000: Die Götter des Olymp [Gods of Olympus]
  • 5/2000: Halloween Trouble Mix
  • 6/2000: Die Hexe lacht um Mitternacht [The Witch Laughs at Midnight]

Mario characters appearing in N-Gang
