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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eleifend, nisl eget facilisis cursus, diam tortor posuere lorem, id eleifend dolor odio eget arcu. Aliquam hendrerit ligula vel nunc ornare pellentesque id a magna. Nullam in arcu sit amet urna lobortis eleifend vitae at purus. Suspendisse rhoncus tincidunt justo, ac congue sem hendrerit et. Morbi sed urna quis nisi sollicitudin porttitor sed id mauris. Morbi in lobortis lorem. Cras erat ante, tempus ut convallis non, ullamcorper et erat. Nulla feugiat risus a arcu placerat placerat. Etiam ultricies lectus nec nisl congue convallis. Phasellus id magna vitae ligula aliquet placerat. Nunc ut arcu nec tortor congue rhoncus quis a justo. Integer tempus, neque vitae consectetur consequat, tellus erat mollis lectus, at feugiat quam libero sit amet justo. Nunc eleifend lectus a turpis placerat convallis. Curabitur condimentum tortor vel eros luctus eget laoreet augue vulputate. Etiam interdum, ante ut aliquet placerat, est velit porta nunc, eu mollis purus lectus sit amet lectus.

A poster showing several characters in the Mario series.

Integer dui nunc, mattis et consequat in, scelerisque in leo. Mauris ultricies erat scelerisque libero convallis posuere. Nullam quis sapien sem. Phasellus sit amet tempor nulla. Nulla iaculis, lacus vel semper volutpat, ligula turpis congue est, ut commodo turpis turpis vel turpis. Sed gravida dignissim enim et viverra. Nunc posuere risus id dolor hendrerit condimentum. Morbi tincidunt augue id sapien tincidunt eget ullamcorper sem hendrerit. Phasellus enim ipsum, condimentum in convallis non, condimentum vel risus. Aenean placerat elit sit amet risus blandit sed fringilla metus egestas. Sed euismod gravida bibendum.

A poster showing several characters in the Mario series.

Proin rhoncus eros sed purus aliquam bibendum consectetur libero dictum. Suspendisse rhoncus mattis nibh, ut hendrerit ante suscipit id. Aenean lobortis leo at eros interdum vulputate. Nunc iaculis vestibulum posuere. Aliquam convallis posuere eros. Sed eget ligula sapien, ac dignissim velit. Vestibulum pulvinar leo et orci molestie vel tempor lorem dapibus. In et leo tortor. Duis facilisis sollicitudin sodales. Suspendisse augue eros, lobortis in sagittis quis, bibendum vitae nibh. Nulla cursus dui et nisi tempus cursus.

Mario group 1234567890.jpg

Aliquam sit amet facilisis augue. Ut vulputate placerat dui convallis egestas. Praesent erat lectus, viverra quis vulputate non, elementum et lacus. Donec eget magna pellentesque purus ultricies porta sed et arcu. Proin vitae molestie neque. Pellentesque erat augue, aliquam vitae eleifend molestie, feugiat at tellus. Fusce at dui turpis. Proin at magna pulvinar risus fringilla facilisis. Aliquam ac consectetur ligula. Fusce dictum scelerisque nulla, ut pharetra odio laoreet at.

Mario group 1234567890.jpg

Aliquam dui nunc, lacinia a laoreet quis, interdum nec elit. Fusce interdum nisl sit amet libero malesuada vitae sagittis diam porta. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean tristique tincidunt libero, et mollis lectus condimentum aliquet. Fusce viverra purus ut lectus tempus tempus. Quisque nisi odio, auctor et sagittis nec, tempor et diam. Donec pharetra ornare nisl non vulputate. Proin ipsum eros, pulvinar ut ullamcorper id, dapibus sed elit. Pellentesque condimentum vestibulum quam. Ut vel turpis sollicitudin mi lacinia gravida sed ac elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eleifend, nisl eget facilisis cursus, diam tortor posuere lorem, id eleifend dolor odio eget arcu. Aliquam hendrerit ligula vel nunc ornare pellentesque id a magna. Nullam in arcu sit amet urna lobortis eleifend vitae at purus. Suspendisse rhoncus tincidunt justo, ac congue sem hendrerit et. Morbi sed urna quis nisi sollicitudin porttitor sed id mauris. Morbi in lobortis lorem. Cras erat ante, tempus ut convallis non, ullamcorper et erat. Nulla feugiat risus a arcu placerat placerat. Etiam ultricies lectus nec nisl congue convallis. Phasellus id magna vitae ligula aliquet placerat. Nunc ut arcu nec tortor congue rhoncus quis a justo. Integer tempus, neque vitae consectetur consequat, tellus erat mollis lectus, at feugiat quam libero sit amet justo. Nunc eleifend lectus a turpis placerat convallis. Curabitur condimentum tortor vel eros luctus eget laoreet augue vulputate. Etiam interdum, ante ut aliquet placerat, est velit porta nunc, eu mollis purus lectus sit amet lectus.

A poster showing several characters in the Mario series.

Integer dui nunc, mattis et consequat in, scelerisque in leo. Mauris ultricies erat scelerisque libero convallis posuere. Nullam quis sapien sem. Phasellus sit amet tempor nulla. Nulla iaculis, lacus vel semper volutpat, ligula turpis congue est, ut commodo turpis turpis vel turpis. Sed gravida dignissim enim et viverra. Nunc posuere risus id dolor hendrerit condimentum. Morbi tincidunt augue id sapien tincidunt eget ullamcorper sem hendrerit. Phasellus enim ipsum, condimentum in convallis non, condimentum vel risus. Aenean placerat elit sit amet risus blandit sed fringilla metus egestas. Sed euismod gravida bibendum.

A poster showing several characters in the Mario series.

Proin rhoncus eros sed purus aliquam bibendum consectetur libero dictum. Suspendisse rhoncus mattis nibh, ut hendrerit ante suscipit id. Aenean lobortis leo at eros interdum vulputate. Nunc iaculis vestibulum posuere. Aliquam convallis posuere eros. Sed eget ligula sapien, ac dignissim velit. Vestibulum pulvinar leo et orci molestie vel tempor lorem dapibus. In et leo tortor. Duis facilisis sollicitudin sodales. Suspendisse augue eros, lobortis in sagittis quis, bibendum vitae nibh. Nulla cursus dui et nisi tempus cursus.

Mario group 1234567890.jpg

Aliquam sit amet facilisis augue. Ut vulputate placerat dui convallis egestas. Praesent erat lectus, viverra quis vulputate non, elementum et lacus. Donec eget magna pellentesque purus ultricies porta sed et arcu. Proin vitae molestie neque. Pellentesque erat augue, aliquam vitae eleifend molestie, feugiat at tellus. Fusce at dui turpis. Proin at magna pulvinar risus fringilla facilisis. Aliquam ac consectetur ligula. Fusce dictum scelerisque nulla, ut pharetra odio laoreet at.

Mario group 1234567890.jpg

Aliquam dui nunc, lacinia a laoreet quis, interdum nec elit. Fusce interdum nisl sit amet libero malesuada vitae sagittis diam porta. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean tristique tincidunt libero, et mollis lectus condimentum aliquet. Fusce viverra purus ut lectus tempus tempus. Quisque nisi odio, auctor et sagittis nec, tempor et diam. Donec pharetra ornare nisl non vulputate. Proin ipsum eros, pulvinar ut ullamcorper id, dapibus sed elit. Pellentesque condimentum vestibulum quam. Ut vel turpis sollicitudin mi lacinia gravida sed ac elit.

Fake News

by WarioLoaf (talk)

Poll of the Month

Who's the fattest Nintendo character?

A. Wario
B. Kirby
C. Bottles the Mole
D. King K. Rool
E. Meta-Knight

To Vote, Go Here

Highlighted News

Rumor of the month

The Rainbow Yoshi is said to exist. In the far hills of the Rainbow Kingdom lives this Yoshi colony headed by the Rainbow Yoshi! They have a blue tail, Yellow face, red belly, Purple mouth, and green back. They are 10 times stronger than the leading Yoshi! They have the power to swallow an entire Snorlax!

Is It True?

You know how Mario and Luigi's parents are never fully shown? What happened to them after the plumber bros. childhood? I think there in the old mushroom woods, Dad in a Black bowler hat and suspenders and there moma's a Koo-Koo and was indited into Toadstool Asylum.

Future Video Game (Could all be a Lie or be True!)

Super Mario Football

It's coming out Oct.17th 2006! It's exactly what it's title proclaims. Mario, bloody, sweaty, graphic, confusing, FOOTBALL!

Playable Characters / Teams:

Mushroom Kingdom Power Stars

Kitchen Island Fatties

Yoshi Island Eggers

DK Mountain Banana Peels

Playable Characters

Mario Kart Wii's New Playable Characters!

Wart -Heavy
    • Cars:
  • The Paddy-frog: a giant frog Kart with poor acceleration , Top Speed , and High Drift and great Items
  • Royal Soak: a Fish Bowl kart with Good Acceleration, bad speed, and bad Drift and Items
  • Standard WT – Teal Standard kart, bad acceleration, good drift, bad speed, bad Items
Kirby - light
    • Cars:
  • The Puffer – Giant Kirby head Kart, good acceleration, Great Items, Great Drift, bad speed
  • The Cloudy Day - a Cloud Kart, good acceleration, good speed and Items, bad Drift.
  • Standard KB - a very Dark Pink Vehicle, snaking Vehicle. All you need to know!

Local Stuff (True or not is up to you)



(Feb. 12 , 1919 – Dec. 28, 2007)

Toadsworth, to all Toads, “papa” and to Peach, “Homie”, died today in his Mushroom Kingdom Palace Room suddenly. He apparently contracted a case of Yellow Fever from Wario and was bed-driven for the last week or so. His funeral will be held on Jan. 17 at the old Mushroom Boy Butchers. He was only 87.

George P. Pianta

(Dec. 25, 1978 – Dec. 25, 2007)

George P. Pianta was an old friend of Mario’s since his last visit to Island Delfino. He had a family of four, a wife, Morgan; a son, Jorge; and a daughter, Girlie. He died on Delfino, shortly after Petey Piranha rampaged through the island after Mario and Co. left. Petey ate poor George in his destructive rampage. It was ironically on Christmas this rampage occurred, and it was his birthday. To the Date , he was only 28.


(Who Cares?)

Waluigi died , “Tragically” , yesterday in his home town in the allies of Mushroom City. He had been drinking at Boo’s Beer Buster and was ambushed by “Unknown” Mushroom Kingdom officials. He was found alive, but pronounced dead and buried.


Yoshi charged with improper exposure

Yoshi was fined a lot of Money on Jan.1, 2006 for wearing nothing in public at island Delfino, and taken away by Pianta Police Officials. The Case is still going on, Called for Jury Duty this Month:
  • Wayoshi
  • Danny DeVito
  • Paper Jorge
  • Homer Simpson
  • Steve
  • Ralph Wiggum
  • Meat Loaf
  • Cher
  • Michel Jackson
  • Jack Black
  • The Penguin
  • Clayface II



  • Jan.20, 2007 at the Mushroom Theater
  • Dec.25, 2007 at the Lighting Arena

Review Template

Release Reviewer, Publication Score Comment
SNES George Wood, Flight of Fantasies n.d "Donkey Kong Country is truly perfect. If you do not get this amazing new generation of Donkey Kong Country madness, you are stupid. Yes, I know it's insulting, but that's also the truth. If you're a true video game fan, you will not hesitate in the slightest bit to buy this piece of gaming history."
SNES Mr. Goo, Die Hard Game Fan 100 out of 100 "When you see Donkey Kong Country for the first time, you'll do what I did ... turn into a blabbering, drooling idiot! This is the most amazing 16-bit game yet, and that's a fact. Simply everything about DKC is kick-butt rocking magnificent ... you'd swear it was 32-bit. If you possess a SNES, you have no excuse not to buy this game NOW."
GameBoy Advance Electronic Gaming Monthly 60 out of 100 "Besides the graphics, which still look good, the game has not held up well."
Wii Virtual Console Lucas M. Thomas, IGN 8,5 out of 10 "A sacrifice may be offered of some of your nostalgic feelings for this title, as its revolutionary-in-1994 visuals aren't as spectacular any more, now in 2007. But DKC's gameplay is still a lot of fun, and it's still easy to see why this was the game that saved the Super."
Compiler Platform / Score
Game Rankings SNES - 88.8%
Metacritic SNES - 88%

Release Reviewer, Publication Score Comment
SNES George Wood, Flight of Fantasies n.d "Donkey Kong Country is truly perfect. If you do not get this amazing new generation of Donkey Kong Country madness, you are stupid. Yes, I know it's insulting, but that's also the truth. If you're a true video game fan, you will not hesitate in the slightest bit to buy this piece of gaming history."
SNES Mr. Goo, Die Hard Game Fan 100 out of 100 "When you see Donkey Kong Country for the first time, you'll do what I did ... turn into a blabbering, drooling idiot! This is the most amazing 16-bit game yet, and that's a fact. Simply everything about DKC is kick-butt rocking magnificent ... you'd swear it was 32-bit. If you possess a SNES, you have no excuse not to buy this game NOW."
GameBoy Advance Electronic Gaming Monthly 60 out of 100 "Besides the graphics, which still look good, the game has not held up well."
Wii Virtual Console Lucas M. Thomas, IGN 8,5 out of 10 "A sacrifice may be offered of some of your nostalgic feelings for this title, as its revolutionary-in-1994 visuals aren't as spectacular any more, now in 2007. But DKC's gameplay is still a lot of fun, and it's still easy to see why this was the game that saved the Super."
Compiler Platform / Score
Game Rankings SNES - 88.8%
Metacritic SNES - 88%