List of quotes in Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story

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This is a list of quotes from Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, listed alphabetically, by character.


  • "Did somebody page the king of awesome?"
  • "Gee, PARDON ME! Guess what? I live here, Your Royal Genius! I've got as much right to be in this meeting as anyone! I mean, right? Help me out here! Toadsworth! Back me up!"
  • "MAAARIO! Are you seriously trying to start with me again?! I hear about this big meeting, and I'm all ready to act nice... But man, the second I see your face, Mr. Nice Bowser is GONE. Yeah, forget your dumb meeting! I'll pummel you and grab Peach!"
  • "Gee, well pardon ME, your royal genius!"
  • "Taste defeat? You're going to taste my fist, you little piglet!"
  • "Marching straight ahead into the enemy's feet!' Didn't you all learn that in Goomba boot camp?"
  • "You like compost? I'll compost your face!"
  • "I'll build a bridge or something! BECAUSE I GET THINGS DONE."
  • "Kidnapping Peach? Oh, that is so completely my move!"
  • "GWAHAHA! Great dark hurricane! Seriously, perfect backdrop for an awesome final battle! You really sweat the details! Listen up! You're saying the kingdom will vanish? NOT TODAY! THIS KINGDOM IS ALL MINE! SO YOU VANISH!
  • "What's the matter with you? Your color is...weird! But, whatever. I'm still gonna win this fight, no prob! And for the finale, one KO punch! HERE I GO! "

Broque Madame

  • "Oh! Please tell me... a masseur arrives..."

Broque Monsieur

  • "You! You will submit to zee power of zis magnificent block, and you will do so NOW!"
  • "Your tongue...bite upon it!"


  • "It is you, who is he."
  • "How would one describe me? I am...the voice within. I am your consciousness... I am above, and all around. I am all that is you. A consciousness bound to you, as you are to me."
  • "Shall we travel together?"
  • "Anger will get you nowhere."
  • "It matters not where you go, for I will speak my piece."
  • "I bear you no ill will. Our minds have bonded. This is a rare thing. So rare that I will teach you."
  • "This is called a Chakroad. A conduit for energy waves that bond earth to space."
  • "Be still in body and mind. Be one with immobility."
  • "Now we travel... With our MIIINDS!"
  • "Wondrous. Thrilling. Yes. Powers of earth and space. Our journey took us to a place etched in your mind. Do you understand? No. For you are unenlightened."
  • "And now I go."
  • "The mists of consciousness part, and two figures emerge."
  • "In this place, Chakron meditates on the nature of all. It is Chakron's special place. And outsiders who disturb the mental peace are not welcome."
  • "You are unenlightened. That is why you are in a cosmic pickle."
  • "This pose absorbs waves from the deep parts of outer space. The waves crash upon my mind's shore. I am a mental beach. With the power of outer space upon me, I can do anything. Of late, large waves have rolled in, and wisdom surfs upon them. My brain hangs ten. And how long have I surfed? A thousand years. A thousand."
  • "Nothing! I feel nothing! Not even close. Not a wiggle. Not a single astral shimmy. Unless you have an attack that shakes the ground, give it up."
  • "Time for you to perambulate."
  • "This new pose displeases me... And gluing all those posts back together will be very tiresome."
  • "And now a thousand-year pose has fallen into the past's void."
  • "But I am already over my saddened state. I am at peace."
  • "Oh. This new pose pleases me greatly. Waves of energy flow up from the earth to me. I shall now assume this pose for a hundred years."
  • "The power of outer space... I mean, the earth, is mighty. A short time ago I launched a large, angry being. Do you dare? Will you try it?"
  • "Your journey begins by gazing into outer space. Do not watch me. It is no fun if you know my secret."
  • "You have done well... I have watched you..."
  • "I am less than amazed... but you can try again... Reach higher ranks... and good things await..."
  • "Everyone grew super strong... You are amazing! Very well done! I rarely give praise to the unenlightened... But you truly are absolutely amazing!"

Corporal Paraplonk

  • "Call me crazy, but looks like Bowser's Castle is heading this way."

Dark Bowser

  • "Your body, I have copied... Your power, I have copied..."
  • "The dark power slept so long, and now it wakes... It must be freed... BEHOLD!"
  • "Still here? Has the dark power not yet crushed your puny hopes? Soon this kingdom will vanish along with all who dwell within. And you, too, will sleep eternally in the dark power's embrace!"


  • "I am having a goal! Mushroom Kingdom... WILL BE MINE!!!"
  • "All who resist will be beat like naughty little eggs!"
  • "Beef? I am lacking in beef. Fawful is beefless."
  • "Fawful is sitting on the cozy couch, sipping tea that laughs at you!"
  • "You keep appearing like an ugly rabbit out of a hat of a magician who stinks!"
  • "Fawful sings a song of bad!♪ The Mushroom Kingdom is so sad!♪ All of it is for Fawful!♪ And the...rhyme...with that!♪"
  • "Darkness! So very darkness!"
  • "Fawfully-doo!♪ Where are you?!♪ Dark Star, needing you!♪ Dark power, yoo-hoo!♪ WHERE TO FIND YOU...♪"
  • "You have gotten in Fawful's way at each and every turn... Just like the red and green mustaches that I hate..."
  • "Fawful only has half the power, but I am thinking it is enough to KO you, the king of stupid!"
  • "Bowser! Meet... FURY OF FAWFUL!"
  • "So, the tears are falling! But not on the face of Fawful!"
  • "Here Fawful goes, the disappearing..forever disappearing... WITH YOU!"


  • "Hey! What did you feed Bowser, you creepy little weasel!?"
  • "That oughta fix you up."

Bowser Memory ML



  • "You. No longer needed. Here, you taste defeat."
  • "Sense is for the weak!"
  • "You listen. Peach, gone. Lord Fawful, new ruler. Now, no need of you. Lord Fawful says sleep. NOW YOU SLEEP!"
  • "MUH MUH! The clock strikes payback hour. Do plan two. To your posts!"
  • "Bowser! Next time, I punch your thigh bone, your eye bone, and your dry bone!"
  • "Bowser! Next time goes a different way than this way went."
  • "Hmph. I scoff. I scoff at you. You bluff. It is time. The special weapon of Lord Fawful. I will release it. SUPER ULTRA WONDER ULTIMATE RUTHLESS GREAT IRON BALL! HYAH!"
  • "You amuse me. I have fought Bowser. You are much smaller."
  • "You speak rudely. And I permit it just this once... Soon Dark Star awakes. And soon means later! Try to interfere with it, and taste my wrath!"
  • "He is of trash. And you are. You, trash. I call you trash. Go be trashy in this trash hole with this trash robot forever! Go! Super Ultra Great Mega Trashy Monster Junker Bot!"
  • "No one pressed "dance"! You are broken!"
  • "Trash these trashmen!"
  • "Now it is time! Now we will fight! Then you will lose! And you will cry!"

Private Goomp

  • "Yeah... It... Well, this weird duo just showed up and went nuts. Huge attack, and just like that, they had the castle..."

Sergeant Guy

  • "Get it together, Private Goomp! Let's scout this area, at least."




  • "Yeah, what's wrong with you, Toadsworth?!"
  • "There IS someone we can count on, by boogity!"
  • "So uh... What's up? They're not here yet? The bros..."
  • "Now then, going on what little information we've unearthed..."
  • "The cause MAY be a mushroom sold by a local merchant."
  • "Well, yeah, we interviewed all the blorbed Toads we could... And they all said they'd bought Blorb Mushrooms."'
  • "Well, according to one witness, it was a fellow in a cape... All signs point to the suspect not being from this kingdom."
  • "I know that voice, by boogity... Is Mario in here?"
  • "Wow, it IS Mario! It's me, Toadbert!"
  • "Yeah, Bowser inhaled me too. With almost the whole castle. I'm so happy we met up! Well, I'm not happy we're here, but..."
  • "Anyway, gotta say, it's pretty interesting in here, by boogity! There's all kinds of weird stuff! I feel like a gut spelunker!"
  • "Hmm? Princess Peach? Oh yeah, it makes sense that she would've been inhaled too... Unfortunately, I haven't seen her around here anywhere... She's gotta be in his body somewhere, though... I guess you just gotta keep trudging around, huh?"
  • "Yeah, I've been poking around... This whole area is a pressure point for Bowser's arm... It's just a theory, but I think if he punches while moving, he'll punch much harder than before!"
  • "Mario! By boogity!"
  • "That last shock opened up deeper byways in Bowser's body! Check this out! All the pipes Bowser inhaled piled up in this room!"
  • "That's right! These pipes should take us to the Mushroom Kingdom. If we use these, we can get out, by boogity!"
  • "Hurry! Get in this pipe!"
  • "Mario! You guys found your way here too, by boogity!"
  • "So I’ve been investigating this area, and I discovered that this region controls the body slam!"
  • "Yes, by boogity! Body slam! If my calculations are correct, the body slam somehow doubles Bowser's weight while airborne. With that doubled weight, Bowser can slam into the ground with incredible force! You see those three pressure points? If you stimulate them, you'll awaken the body slam... But right now pressure points aren’t active... Stimulating them right now wouldn't have any effect. Something somewhere in this area must activate those pressure points, by boogity! Mario! Luigi! See if you can find something! "
  • "The pressure points are active! Well done, by boogity! All right! Try stimulating those three pressure points, and we'll see what happens! "
  • "Body slam, by boogity! I guarantee you he can do body slams now!"
  • "That went well, by boogity!"
  • "Right, well, I’ll keep poking around to see what I can find. Bob-ombs AWAAAAAY!"
  • "Yuh... You guys! Good luck!"
  • "Toadsworth, by boogity! I was looking for you!"
  • "Really? That sounds fascinating, by boogity! You mind if I watch as it sloooowly works its magic?"
  • "Ahhhh! Toadsworth, your tea never fails to calm me down. Teatime is so restful..."
  • "Yes, take it slooow..."
  • "Mr. Mario! Mr. Luigi! I suspect that Bowser has learned the spike ball move!"
  • "Yes, by boogity! By stimulating this spot, we've made his muscle loose and incredibly limber!"'


  • "Such a thing has never happened in the history of the kingdom!"
  • "Good gracious! No... Not again! Princess! Flee!"
  • "Worry not! Masters Mario and Luigi are sure to trounce him!"
  • "Have at him!"


  • "ENOUGH! Persistent men, aren't youuu? What is it you want with meee?"
  • "Hmm? The Dark Staaaar? Princess Peach captuuured? Mushroom Kingdom overrunnn?"
  • "Ahhhh... Traaaagic. Truly traaaagic. My sympathiesss."
  • "You want me, a sage, to give you, a nobody, the Star Cuure?"
  • "I don't know about thaaat… What physical proof do you have that your story is truuuue? Why should I believe youuuu?"
  • "This Star Cure was entrusted to the sole care of me, Wisdurm! Why would I hand it over to men who lack any credibiiiiility?!"
  • "Hmmmmmmmmm… You're quite persistennnnt. This troubles meeeee. You chase me without flaaagging. You demand the Star Cuuuure... Rather brazen, methiiiiiiinks..."
  • " Tut tut! Lost our temperrrrr? Somewhat childish, nooooo? And yet amuuusing! Regrettably..."
  • "Very wellll... If you are so insistent that I gave you the cure, we will battle for iiiiit."
  • "A battle with Wisdurrrrrm… The winner will own the Star Cuuuuuure. Yes? Then we beginnnnn. Wisdurm battle sequence STAAAAAAAAAAART!"
  • "Guh... Bluh... Gack... Haff..."
  • "Heh heh heh heh... So you have bested me on the field of baaaaattle. That victory has earned you the right to see me in my true forrrrrrm. Wellll? Not too bad looking, hmmmm? Heh heh heh heh..."
  • "Now thennnn... I am one of the guardians of the Star Cuuures. We sages knew the day of the Dark Star awakening would come, and so awaited the heeeeroes..."
  • "We have met many times, as you two well rememberrrr... The day Bowser ate me along with the giga-carrot was the day our fates crosssssed... heh heh heh heh... it is clear we are connected by a fate that is beyond our poor comprehensionnnn..."
  • "Of coursssssse… Here, take iiiit."
  • "And so my role here comes to an ennnnnd... Now, please stop following me around. It's creeeeepy... I wish you luck finding the other two Star Cuuuuures... Flapflapflap..."
