Hooray for Holly-Kongo Bongo

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Hooray for Holly-Kongo Bongo

Hooray for Holly-Kongo Bongo is the 27th episode of Donkey Kong Country television series, and it aired on January 7, 1998.

Plot Synopsis

Bluster is making a movie. K. Rool decides to get in on the act, but for another reason: to steal the Crystal Coconut. The others think Donkey Kong took the Coconut, and he gets banished (but returns to prove his innocence).

The episode begins with Donkey Kong trying to impress Candy Kong, his love, by lifting two heavy barrels. The ape collapses by all the weight, and Candy sits on one of the barrels, continuing to read a magazine of hers. Candy shows the magazine to Diddy, letting him see the "talented, dreamy, movie star," Leonardo DeAperio. Donkey Kong, jealous, asks what makes him so special, but Diddy replies with "movie star looks, movie star fame, movie star money..." To give Candy more of an interest in him, Donkey Kong tells her that he has appeared in some movies of his own. Suddenly, Bluster Kong exits his factory explains that he has a parcel to send by air mail. Candy inquires if she can do anything while he is gone, but the ape simply replies by screaming in her ear.

Bluster Kong carries the package to Funky's Flights, where he asks Funky Kong to send the box by air. The Kong refuses, explaining that he has given up flying and has decided to write a screenplay. Bluster realizes that making movies can help him earn a lot of money, so he asks Funky what he can do to produce one. He explains that Bluster must first start out with a script, and asks if he wants to buy his. Bluster declines to purchase it for money, and decides to make his own, with Funky helping him out.

On the deck of the Treehouse, Diddy and Donkey Kong notice Bluster as he finds locations for his movie. Donkey Kong, unaware that Bluster had wanted to make a film, laughs as he learns that the ape is planning to make his own movie, but is stopped by Diddy, who reminds him how Candy would be more impressed by him if he were in this movie. Donkey Kong stops his laughter and quickly decides that he wants to be in the movie, Cranky Kong angrily exits his treehouse, mad at all the noise being made by the Kongs. As soon as he learns about Blusters idea, he walks back into his treehouse, completely uninterested and infuriated. Although Bluster disagrees that Donkey Kong should be in his movie, he tells him that auditions are at noon. When Cranky hears this, he immediately becomes excited, and sings and dances with Donkey and Diddy Kong about being a movie star.

Later that day in the jungle, Diddy meets up with Candy Kong and tells her about the movie. Candy Kong, thrilled, runs off to prepare for the movie auditions, and Diddy continues his walk. Behind the two Kongs in the bushes are General Klump and Krusha, who spy on them. They are not quite sure what a movie means, so they report their fiding to King K. Rool immediately. When they reach King K. Rool's lair, the Kremlings tell their king about Bluster's movie. King K. Rool thinks up a quick plan and heads to the auditions.

The next day, Bluster begins his auditions, which he is displeased by. Klump, Krusha, Donkey Kong, and other Kongs of the island try out, but do not do well. Donkey Kong, desperate to be in the film, tries to show off his skill by lifting two barrels again, but, as before, collapses. Bluster Kong believes that he is never going to find a good actor, until he hears King K. Rool from behind him. He chooses K. Rool as the leading character, along with Klump and Krusha, which greatly surprises Donkey Kong. The ape finds it unfair that he is the only person who doesn't get to be in the movie, but Funky Kong whispers something in Blusters ear. Bluster than tells announces to the ape that there is one part left that he has to master to be in the movie. Donkey Kong thanks Bluster about giving him another chance, saying that he won't regret it.

Later, Donkey Kong rushes to Candy Kong to tell her who is going to be the star in Bluster's movie. Candy thinks it is Leonardo DeAperio, but Donkey Kong replies with "nope." She then guesses the islanders of Kongo Bongo, all except Donkey Kong. Donkey Kong, feeling a little less confident, tells her that he is going to be in the movie - as the villain. This impresses Candy, as she believes it takes real acting skills to be the villain. However, Donkey Kong soon desperately asks her if she can teach him how to act, as he can not act very well at all. Candy suggests that he try method acting. Before the ape leaves, he asks her what that is. She explains to he that if he is the bad guy, he should think and talk like the bad guy. Donkey Kong takes the tip after singing a song with Candy.

Meanwhile, Bluster Kong films King K. Rool. Bluster tells the crocodile to pretend he wants Candy Kong, the movie's damsel-in-distress, more than anything. However, K. Rool refuses to do so, as he does not want Candy at all. Instead, Bluster advises him to pretend she is something he really does want. King K. Rool knows that he wants the Crystal Coconut more than anything, and ask Bluster if he can have a few moments to "find his character." Bluster allows him to do so, and K. Rool runs off.

In front of the set for Bluster's movie, Klump and Krusha hear King K. Rool's voice. It turns out that this is actually Donkey Kong, who is trying to act as King K. Rool to model his villain character. Donkey Kong asks them how his imitation is, but as Klump explains what he thinks about it, he hears K. Rool's voice again. Thinking that that voice is really from Donkey Kong, General Klump says that it is "too weak and spineless." However, the Kremling soon realizes that this voice had come from the real K. Rool, who was standing behind him. King K. Rool yells from behind the crocodile, which startles him and sends him crashing into Donkey Kong and the set. Donkey Kong is forced directly into the camera, which falls. Bluster and Diddy Kong quickly run in and stop the characters from destroying anything else, finding King K. Rool threatening Donkey Kong to stop imitating him. Donkey Kong simply copies what he says, but Diddy warns him that, even though he is trying to impress Candy, he is really sounding a lot like K. Rool. Bluster then commands Diddy to make Donkey Kong rehearse for the next scene, while the three Kremlings realize that nobody is guarding the Crystal Coconut as they film the movie.