Color Me Happy

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Color me Happy is a mini-game in Wario: Master of Disguise. The game show a partially colored-in image, and the player's objective will be to color the rest of it using the pallette to the left. Before the player begins, they will be shown the fully-colored version of the player's picture before the uncolored parts return. Remember which sections were not colored before the preview, as those will be the same parts the player will need to fill in now. Tap a color on the left, then rub the stylus to color in a certain location. The player will not need to be perfect, but as long as the majority of a section is colored properly, the player will be okay. When the player is done coloring, press they will on the top to be judged. For each section the player mess up the colors on, the player will lose a chance; lose them all and the player will automatically fail.

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