Blinking Block Blitz

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Template:Levelbox Blinking Block Blitz is the forty-ninth course in the Story Mode of Super Mario Maker 2. It is set in the ground theme and in the Super Mario 3D World style. It is posted by Doctor Gizmo, and has a difficulty rating of 2/4 stars.


The level begins with some Blinking Blocks and a Warp Pipe. Mario must then navigate some more Blinking Block platforms to a ? Block containing a Super Bell, while climbing a few Trees to a platform with a Hop-Chops and a few coins between some Blinking Blocks. Some Big Piranha Plants then appear next to a 10-Coin and some Donut Blocks, followed by a Big Piranha Plant guarding another ? Block containing a Super Bell, and a Hop-Chops above it in area with multiple coins and another 10-Coin. Afterwards, Mario must enter another Warp Pipe which leads to the Goal Pole.

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