Hi, my name is YoshiFan1200. I'm 11 and i'm a brazilian. I don't have a console, neither games, you would understand if you live in Brazil.
To acess my Blog, click in this link: http://yoshifan1200.blogspot.com.br/ (I only write about Mario games, VGM, and many other things in portuguese)
To acess my Youtube channel, click in this link: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheMrBeeKing (I was thinking of creating a new channel, i wouldn't recommend to subscribe to it)

About my spelling errors, i commit them because i have to acess Google Transle every time to check if a word is right, so this gets annoying and leave them wrong.
For more information about me, acess the "Sobre mim" (About me) page in my Blog.